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the gathering village

Chakra Chart

Chakra Chart

Regular price $0.00 AUD
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7th chakra = Crown "I Understand", spirituality, wisdom, God (violet)-Tone "B"
6th chakra = Third Eye "I See", intuition, awareness, charisma (indigo)-Tone "A"
5th chakra = Throat "I Speak" expression, inspiration, truth (light blue)-Tone "G"
4th chakra  = Heart "I Love" love, compassion, integration (green) - Tone "F"
3rd chakra = Solar Plexus "I Do", power, wisdom, social self, will (yellow)-Tone "E"
2nd chakra = Sacral "I feel", sexuality, creativity, emotion (orange)-Tone "D"
1st chakra = Root "I Am", grounding, basic trust, stability (red)-Tone "C"
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